Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere
  • Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine CellusphereIng Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere
  • Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine CellusphereIng Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere
  • Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine CellusphereIng Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere
  • Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine CellusphereIng Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere
  • Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine CellusphereIng Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere

Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere

Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere pancen ora krasa lara, nyenengake lan ora cilaka kulit. Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere wis mbantu kanggo ngencengi lan nada otot lan jaringan, Gamelan kulit, nambah struktur lan sculpt pasuryan lan awak. Ana nyuda selulit, ngilangi kerutan, lan inci ilang saka pinggul lan paha. Thanks kanggo Inner Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine awak Cellusphere wis re-sculpted lan pasuryan rejuvenated.


Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk

1.Introduksi Produk saka Banner Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere


Apa Mesin Endospheres Endosphere Ball Roller Batin?

Aparat roller bal njero yaiku perawatan mikro-getaran kompresi mekanik non-invasif. Prinsipe yaiku bal silikon muter ing sadawane roller 360° kanggo ngasilake mikro-getaran kompresi.

Nalika bal muter lan ngetokake tekanan ing kulit, ngasilake efek "kompresi pulsa", nyadari gerakan bolak-balik push-pull kneading, celengan lemak sing  pressurized lan kanthi mangkono loosened kanggo pungkasanipun decompose, ngurangi selulit lan Mbusak selulit.

Teknologi iki kabukten sacara klinis bisa mbantu  nada otot lan ngukir awak lan rai kanggo rejuvenate, uga mbantu ngrancang lan ngencengi dhadha.

2. Rincian Produk Mesin Sellusfer Sellulit Roller Batin



3. Parameter Produk (Spesifikasi) Mesin Endosfer Selulit Roller Bola Batin


Kacepetan gagang gedhe

Kacepetan gagang cilik

Tegangan input

daya output

Frekuensi output

Ukuran kemasan mesin host

Ukuran kemasan troli


675 rpm

675 rpm

AC 110V/220V






4. Fitur Produk lan Aplikasi saka Mesin Endospheres Endosphere Ball Roller Bola Batin


Ing Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine fungsi Cellusphere

1. Ngapikake sirkulasi limfatik

2. Ngapikake kulit, reshape kontur

3. Ngapikake sistem pembuluh darah

4. Suda katon selulit

5. Nyuda rasa lara


Inner Ball Roller Cellulite Endospheres Machine Cellusphere kaluwihan

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